Workshop on Healthcare Data to Support (inter)personal Interactions
Workshop Organizers:
Andrés Lucero – Associate professor at Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland
Juan Jiménez García – Assistant professor at ICESI, Cali, Colombia
Jos Kraal – Assistant professor at TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands
Technological innovations in the area of big/small data, data mining, and artificial intelligence contribute to the development of cost-effective solutions with societal impact on healthcare and sustainability. For example, smartphones compete to become your next health manager, promising to keep complete track of your health performance, connecting different aspects and suggesting how to improve them.
In practice, these technology-driven innovations have not yet provided satisfactory outputs. People often experience these technologies as disruptive, negatively affecting relevant aspects of their daily lives. Consider an asthma app that reminds the user to take their medication every time the user does not want to be reminded that they are patients, or even worst, when there is not an asthma episode. These technologies are expected to coexists in people’s living and working environment, where people manage different values. For some, it is about resuming their social activities and for others it is feeling independent. Self-management is a direction that innovates in the way technology and data aim to empower people by providing relevant knowledge and tools to manage their health condition in relation to the context they are in.
(Inter) Personal data interactions help people in the transition from mindlessness to mindfulness actions. In the transition to mindfulness actions, a person develops the ability to assess and reflect on the impact that their actions have on oneself and others (individual, groups, societies, environment).
In design research, mindfulness actions help people to contextualise/explain an observable behaviour. Such contextualised understanding enables researchers create knowledge on the reasons behind users’ actions. (Inter) Personal data interactions include producing (self-reporting, self-tracking), consuming (data feedback and navigation) and sharing (expert advice, peer support) strategies around daily activities.
This workshop offers the opportunity for research projects and proposals designed to encourage and support people into adopting better lifestyles to improve their condition, and into practicing better self-management of condition. There is also a focus on the medical benefits of such an approach, notably improvement medication compliance and reduce the patients’ demand on health services (visits to the hospital clinics, and interaction with healthcare professionals for routine issues). In addition, self-management of no-patient population is considered an important direction to investigate and support preventive strategies.
Workshop Topics
We invite preliminary work, vision and position papers to discuss how design can support people in the appropriation of new practices and the adoption of novel technologies to interact with personal data in their daily activities. Contributions can apply their work in different contexts, such as sick prevention, secondary prevention programs, (chronic) illness management, and different target groups, such as older adults, low social economical groups, children, formal and informal caregivers, etc. with the purpose to identify different needs, values, cultures, and competences of people and their living contexts.
The workshop targets a multidisciplinary as well as multisectoral community interested in healthcare, user centred design, and technology (data). Therefore we invite research institutions, hospitals, industry, end-user organisations and governmental structures to provide knowledge and specific contexts involving technological impact on healthcare management. Key challenges to be addressed within the workshop can be summarised as:
- Design approaches to deliver long-lasting active engagement that is conducive to effective support management of health
- Daily interactions of (non) patient with health data enabled technologies, and with formal and informal caregivers, physicians, healthcare systems, and peer communities based on data sharing practices.
- Technological personalisation and adaptation to (non) patients, their condition, lifestyle, culture and socio-economics.
We seek paper contributions with studies, theories, case studies, and preliminary experimental results aiming to address issues, such as (but not limited to):
- Patient lifestyle, preferences and needs in their daily context
- Patient (and relatives) as participating partners in the management of the patient’s condition
- Data uses to support (inter) personal interaction, from collection, visualisation and reflection, sharing and communication, negotiation and decision, advise and predictions.
- Drivers and barriers in actively managing once conditions, for different identified stakeholders.
- Human data interaction applied to the healthcare domain.
- Data use in remote coaching on lifestyle aspects and behavioural change techniques (i.e. physical fitness, physical activity, etc) in primary and secondary prevention programs such as cardiac and stroke rehabilitation
- Data influencing job requirements for physicians, nurses, therapists, but also patient-doctor relationship
Submissions Key Dates
15th Sep 2020 – Deadline for paper submission to the workshop
15th Oct 2020 – Workshop papers notification
10th Nov 2020 – Deadline for camera ready submission
14/15th Dec 2020 (tbd) – Workshop day
Submission Instructions
Contributions to the workshop will be reviewed by a technical programme committee and final decisions will be made by the workshop organisers considering the originality of contribution and relevance to workshop theme. Please prepare your paper with a maximum of 4000 words, using the correct EAI Endorsed Transactions template (zip).
Papers should be submitted through EAI ‘Confy+‘ system, and have to comply with the Springer format (see Author’s kit section). Submission of a paper should be regarded as a commitment that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will register and attend the conference to present the work.
Expected Outcomes
The workshop will guide discussion sessions to identify new research lines, state of the art, relevant application areas, and contexts. The outcomes of these discussion will result in a special issue connected to the Pervasive Healthcare and Technology journal from EAI. Workshop participants will be invited to submit their (extended) work.